Preventing a pregnancy is not that difficult if you use the right contraception method suitable to your health and choices. From hormonal to non-hormonal, there are several birth control options for females that are safe and effective. Knowing the different types of birth control methods gives you the option to select the one that also suits your lifestyle and needs. For instance, some methods include daily use of a contraceptive, some are periodical, and others are need-based or spontaneous. So, what are the alternatives of a birth control contraceptive you can consider, how do they work, are there any side effects, and how to use them – know them all in the sections below.
Before exploring the options, you must understand what is a contraceptive and its function. The action mechanism varies depending on the product you use. However, they may stop fertilization, suppress ovulation, break down the endometrial lining to prevent implantation, make it harder for sperm to travel to the uterus by thickening the cervical mucus, or damage the sperm. Let us understand the birth control options for female available:
So, what type of birth control is best – a spontaneous one or that for regular use? This is hard to compare, but many use the barrier methods because you can depend on them in real-time, how does the pill prevent pregnancy unplanned? Some alternatives include external condoms like those for men worn on the penile organ, female condoms (internal) in the vagina, a cervical cap to place near the cervix, birth control sponge to destroy sperm. A diaphragm and spermicide (gel to inhibit sperm reaching the mature egg). You can combine spermicide with any of the other methods mentioned herein. So,
A small, T-shaped plastic piece with hormones or copper enters the uterus. Only a doctor can place an IUD inside. This effective birth control option with copper releases a small amount of copper to stop the sperm from mating an egg, and deter fertilization. A copper IUD can last for a decade. On the contrary, the hormone version releases levonorgestrel lasting 3 to 8 years. So, what is the most effective method of birth control, if you may ask? The answer is never the same, but for longer protection, IUD is a great choice.
Hormonal birth control options for female are one of the most popular methods to prevent a pregnancy. Most of them prevent the ovaries from producing an egg every month, making pregnancy less likely to occur. Apart from the IUDs discussed above, you can get a shot by a medical professional every 3 months or an implant under the skin lasting for up to 3 years. You can also wear a skin patch, which is a weekly wearable thing per month, with one week free of it.
Out of the different birth control options, the vaginal ring is also a comfortable option. It stays inside the vagina once put in and releases hormones over 1 month. After three weeks of use, remove the old vaginal ring birth control and start with a new one. It is a flexible ring, which you cannot even feel inside you, and will not cause issues with intercourse and pleasure activities. So, which brand will you consider? Perhaps, NuvaRing birth control is a great choice and affordable too.
Read More: Complete Guide: NuvaRing Birth ControlAs for NuvaRing alternatives, there is a birth control pill that you need to take daily at the same time every day. The more doses you miss, the higher the risk of getting pregnant. Then there is the emergency contraceptive pill, which is not meant for regular use. You can take an EC within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse. Until then, if the pregnancy does not take place, there is a chance of no pregnancy at all as the medicine quickly works. EC can involve a copper IUD placed in the uterus for up to 5 days to prohibit a pregnancy.
If you do not want the hassle of using a contraceptive or using different types of birth control methods, then sterilization is an option. For women, this can include removal of ovaries and or fallopian tubes or even the uterus. However, if you need a non-invasive method, then get NuvaRing online as you can place it inside the vagina yourself without any help from anyone. Let it stay in for a few weeks and be protected for a pregnancy for an entire month. Then repeat the cycle of using the vaginal ring contraceptive for additional protection for months and years together.
So, there is no lack of birth control options for female, but what about men? One you know is a male condom, but is there anything invasive? Yes, vasectomy, which is the blocking of the tubes that bring sperm to the penile organ and its outside. Females can consider contraceptive pills online as well if they need a temporary pregnancy-prevention technique. There are pills for long-term use that help skip a period altogether without harming your health.
Do know that apart from a condom, you may have to adhere to certain practices to stop an STI. Thus, safe encounters are necessary as much as knowing what is the best type of birth control for females. If there is no healthcare center to educate about contraception, do not worry. Telemedicine has made things simpler, which lets you get birth control options for female at a better speed and delivery standards. Some stores provide discreet packaging, flexible payment options, privacy, live support, expedited shipping, etc., facilities.
So, now that you know what are different options of birth control are, which one will you choose? Is it going to be NuvaRing birth control, a contraceptive pill, or something else? needs, health, lifestyle, and other factors.